
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Job Search Success? Take Our Quiz to Find Out

by Sarah Smith on October 13, 2020


job search success


While the search for a new role can often be a time-consuming and overwhelming process, there are ways to ensure you are setting yourself up for job search success. Using first-hand insight from our expert recruiters, we have developed a quiz that will help you formulate and improve your strategy to land the ideal position for you.


Question #1

Why are you searching for a new job? (select all that apply)

A. You have not seen the success you thought you would in your current role.

B. You are searching for a better culture-fit.

C. You crave a new challenge.

D. You have already left your job.

Be careful if you answered A. All roles experience periods of challenge (which often lead to professional and personal growth) and times of success. If you are currently employed, is it possible to work through challenges to achieve even small successes? In doing so, you will likely grow your skills, which make you a stronger and more attractive candidate overall. Additionally, you will come across as more confident during interviews if you are succeeding in your current role while you search. You may also want to list current coworkers or managers as references. They will provide a stronger reference for you if you are succeeding in your current role.

The most attractive job seekers are the ones who are consistently looking to learn new things and grow their skillsets. Even if a new challenge is not the main impetus behind your search, you are likely excited to learn new skills and technologies in your next role. Take some time to reflect on what areas you are looking to build your skills in, whether soft skills or technical ones. This will help guide your job search by revealing a clear picture of what you are looking for and seeking to accomplish in your next role. Taking the time for this self-reflection in advance of your interviews will also prepare your answer to the inevitable interview question of why you are looking for a new job.


Question #2

True or False: You should only search for roles in which you meet 100% of the requirements.

Correct Answer: False

Rather than focusing too much on the long list of criteria in job postings, it may be helpful instead to look at the role’s performance objectives and what you would be expected to accomplish. This subtle shift in mindset will help you imagine more accurately whether this is a job you are capable of doing or even one you would want to take on. If you answered C. You crave a new challenge to question 1, be mindful of the position requirements. If you only apply to roles you are 100% qualified for, you will crave a challenge again in your new position before long as well. Growth and new skills develop only when we push ourselves to learn and try new things.

Imposter syndrome can have a way of holding anyone back when searching for a new position. Working with a recruiter can be helpful to combat that. Having someone in your corner encouraging you to take on new challenges or submit yourself to a role you may have otherwise been hesitant to will help you see more job search success and drive your career forward faster. If you choose to work with a recruiter, limit the number of agencies you give your resume to, and make sure the ones you do have a great understanding of your career goals and a strong reputation in your local market. Those recruiters are the ones who will become your best advocates.


Question #3

Your interview is scheduled. How should you prepare? (select all that apply)

A. Research the company and hiring manager(s).

B. Research common interview questions and prepare responses.

C. Practice your responses out loud.

D. You know your own background. You do not need to rehearse.

Correct Answers: A, B, C

Do not go to your interviews unprepared. While yes, you know and lived your own past experience, in high-pressure situations like an interview, your brain will either enter a “threat state” or a “challenge state,” and you increase your chances of entering the superior “challenge state” if you have confidently prepared. Additionally, instead of answering a question with the first example that comes to mind, your answer will be more powerful if you answer with the best example that showcases the experience or skill in question. When preparing for your interviews, it can be helpful to formulate your responses using the STAR method: situation, task, action, and result. Preparation with this method will help you craft answers using the best examples from your experience. Answering in this format helps a hiring manager envision how you might react in a similar situation in the role you are applying for.

If you rehearse answers ahead of time, not only will you come across as more prepared and confident during your interview, but you will also have more attention to spare on your body language. Good body language is paramount for in-person interviews. You can make sure your body language is communicating the right things by taking our body language quiz next.

Take time to research the company and everyone you are scheduled to meet with during your interview. Take notes while you research, and if appropriate, mention any shared experience while speaking with your interviewer. Did you attend the same college or university? Did you work at the same company at a past role? Anything you can find on LinkedIn or the company website is fair game and can help establish a genuine connection with your interviewer, making you a more memorable candidate.


Question #4

You had an interview and it went great! What do you do now? (select all that apply)

A. Send a quick thank you note to the hiring manager.

B. Send a pesonalized thank you note to each person you met with.

C. You want to avoid coming across too strongly. Wait to hear back.

D. Email and call the hiring manager every day about next steps.

Correct Answers: A, B

According to CareerBuilder, only 57% of candidates take the time to send thank you notes, so use this opportunity to set yourself above the competition. Your note does not need to be long, but it should not feel like a “form” response. Avoid sounding generic by tailoring your thank you notes to each person you met with. Reference something you spoke with them about during the interview, whether it was a topic you were both excited about, a detail they shared about the role, or insight they shared about working for the company.

If you do not hear back from the hiring manager within a week, follow up again. This helps reiterate your excitement about the role and the manager may provide you with an updated hiring timeline. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, the reality is that many candidates will not hear back if they are being passed on. If you still do not hear back after the second follow up, assume they have passed. One of the benefits of working with a recruiter like Resource 1 is that we cultivate great relationships with hiring managers and are able to provide job seekers with more detailed and helpful feedback than they would likely receive while job searching on their own.


Question #5

You should apply to jobs on which day of the week to increase your chances of job search success?

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

E. Friday

F. Saturday/Sunday

Correct Answer: B

A study conducted by SmartRecruiters showed that most jobs are posted between Monday and Wednesday, with Tuesday being the day of the week with the highest average number of new postings. When it comes to your job search, timing and luck can have a big impact. If a role is popular, it might bring in hundreds of applications. You increase your application’s chances of being reviewed by submitting within the first few days of the role being posted. Tuesday is also the day of week most people apply to jobs, as well as the most popular day to get hired. Take this into consideration if you are looking for ways to boost your chances.


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